Greetings! And thank you for following this blog as well as our #OutDaBoxHipHop Spotify Playlist if you’ve done so already. This is my list of Favorite Hip Hop Albums/ EPs to come out in the Month of February so far! There’s a chance I missed out on some other dope hip hop releases to come out this month so I’ll probably be adding a few more releases to this list as I learn about them but this will certainly be the bulk of February releases added below. 1 through 17 is in the exact order of my favorites but everything from 16 after is not in any particular order. The site is dedicated to Creative and Conscious hip hop. So my Album/EP picks will be centered around those specific themes. A few Albums and EPs are currently only on bandcamp but most of the releases are on digital streaming platforms. Also check out the “Out Da Box Hip Hop Soul” Spotify Playlist for February 2022 at this link
Lord Kayso - MOOR CHORES (Bandcamp)
Macs The Realest - Aganju (Bandcamp)
WateRR & Tone Beats - Order of The Day (Return Of The Cherry Tree)
King Author & Haleem - Through & Through (Bandcamp)
Anwar HighSign (Has-Lo) - Live Ni**a Rap (Bandcamp)
BearTooth Collective - Unity Tape Vol. 1 (Bandcamp)
Joc Scholar - Street Spiritual Science (Bandcamp)
13Five - Master Equality Pt. 4 (Bandcamp)
#OutDaBoxHipHopSoul SPOTIFY PLAYLIST (Best Creative and Conscious Hip Hop of February 2022)

Check out my #OutDaBoxHipHop Spotify Playlist for the Best Creative and Conscious Hip Hop Music to come out in February 2022. This list includes a variety of music from my Favorite Albums and EPs of February listed above, excluding the Bandcamp only releases. Remember to Follow the #OutDaBoxHipHopSoul Spotify Playlist Enjoy!