Check out our list for the “Best Soul Albums and EPs” to be released in the month of April 2022. This was a good month for Soul and RnB Project releases. Here’s what I came up with for my Best Of List. Everything is listed in the exact order of my current favorites from 1 through 14, the order of this list may change in the future as I listen to some of these albums more, but this is what I have for now. Also only one of the Albums/EPs is currently only on bandcamp and that’s the 1st one, noted with bandcamp next to it. Below is also the #OutDaBoxHipHopSoul Spotify Playlist for "New Soul April 2022". This list features select tracks from all of the projects that are also on digital streaming platforms and also some Soul singles that came out in the month of April. Feel encouraged to Follow the #OutDaBoxHipHopSoul Playlist on Spotify, which is updated regularly
#SPOTIFY PLAYLIST for Best New Soul of April 2022